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BrightLync® Advanced Communications Platform is a secure, cloud-based platform providing a complete end-to-end intelligent, secure data transmission solution that integrates with our AdEM® Advanced Electronics.

  • Remotely monitor and access real-time data for gas usage, asset configuration, asset health and location tracking
  • Provides a wealth of real-time data and statistics beyond basic measurements
  • Remote hourly data collection, real-time alarm transmission, and automatic daily data transfer to the cloud
  • Secure by design—implementation of NIST SP 800–53 recommended by DHS

Brightlync® is designed to integrate seamlessly with our Advanced Electronics Platform. This combination of technologies provides solutions for live gas compensation, asset health monitoring, pressure monitoring, and leak detection.

Brightlync® is a cost-effective, premium solution providing users a complete end-to-end solution for real-time data collection, transmission, and organization/visualization, without the need for costly infrastructure.

Contact us today to purchase BrightLync® and enhance your data transmission capabilities with our advanced, secure platform.