Adem®-Tq : Advanced Electronic Module (Temperature Compensation with Meter Health Monitoring)

The Adem-Tq merges our proven, one-size-fits-all, temperature-compensating design with the capability to monitor the meter's health throughout its lifecycle.

This innovation eliminates the need for manual meter verifications, offering operational cost savings by providing a comprehensive history of the meter's performance. Our patent-pending Adem-Tq technology enhances meter maintenance programs with on-condition monitoring.

Contact us today to purchase Adem® - Tq and revolutionize your meter data collection and management.




Edmonton : 9320 Yellowhead Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5G 0W4

Calgary : 7915 – 46th Street S.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2C 2Y6

Regina : 476 Henderson Dr, Regina, SK S4N 5W9

Brampton : 36 Regan Rd, Brampton, ON L7A 1C8

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Edmonton : +1 (780) 452-1792

Calgary : +1 (403) 243-0012

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